News from the Istanbul 2011 Conference

Fons van de Vijver was chosen by the EC to chair the CPC as Peter Smith has concluded his term as acting chair.  The EC decided to open the website for a variety of professional visibility news items, in addition to the existing book list.  These items can include new publications, awards, research projects, etc. A new section of the website will be created to meet the needs of the IACCP youth group.

News from the Melbourne 2010 Congress CPC Meeting

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology

JCCP will commence publishing 8 issues per year in 2011. Book reviews wil no longer be published in JCCP in order to provide more space for articles. Over 5000 institutions include JCCP in their electronic holdings, resulting in 185,000 paper downloads in 2009. David Matumoto will serve as Editor until 2012.

Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin

Bill Gabrenya, Bulletin Editor, will step down in 2011 and a new editor will be sought.

Online Readings in Psychology and Culture

The ORPC became the property of IACCP in 2008 and is now published on the IACCP website at  An editor and editorial board will be formed in 2010.

News from Bremen Congress CPC meeting, 2008

Items of interest from the Bremen Congress meeting of the committee:

1. John Adamopoulos has been appointed new chair of the committee by the EC.  His term is 2008-2012.

2. David Matsumoto has been appointed new editor of JCCP with a term of 2008-2011 or 2012.

3. The Online Readings in Culture and Psychology eBook has been transferred from Western Washington University to IACCP (see

4. The IACCP is attempting to have Xi'an Congress books distributed to participants

5. The work of the JCCP Governance Ad Hoc Committee is completed. Guidelines and procedures for IACCP's  assumption of responsibilities for JCCP from Western Washington University were developed for inclusion in a new IACCP Constitution.

News from the Spetses meeting of the CPC, 2006

The committee met several times at the Spetses Congress.  Significant decisions of the Executive Council and the committee include:

  1. The committee will be involved in developing a governance plan for JCCP over the next year.
  2. The Bulletin will be published twice yearly, and will eventually become an online-only publication. We will no longer try to maintain a consistent cover date for the sake of library subscriptions.
  3. Congress proceedings books will be published as eBooks beginning with the Spetses Congress.  (The Yogyakarta 2002 proceedings are online now, and the Xi'an 2004 proceedings will go online in early 2007.)

The committee sponsored a workshop in the Spetses program to discuss innovative ways to use the Internet to improve IACCP's work.  The workshop produced several ideas that will be pursued in the next year, including the development of online multimedia teaching resources.

Meeting Minutes