Call for Proposals – 2017 Regional Conference and 2018 International Congress
Individuals or organizations are invited to submit bids for the 2017 regional conference of the IACCP and the 2018 international Congress.
Proposals for the 2017 regional conference can be made for any region, although proposals for regions that we have not met in recently are more desirable. Please see the historical list of conferences on this website for information about location of recent regional conferences.
IACCP has traditionally attempted to hold its biennial international Congresses (even numbered years) in close travel proximity to the conferences of the International Association for Applied Psychology and the International Union of Psychological Science. The IACCP Executive Council has not yet determined if this practice will be followed in 2018, but proposals for locations near the 2018 IAAP Congress would be favored.
The first step is to submit a prepoposal that the IACCP Executive Committee will use to determine if a full proposal is warranted. Proposals must be based on the IACCP Requirements for Conference Site Proposals ( Please submit your prepoposal to the Secretary-General of IACCP.