2024 Election of Officers & Regional Representatives

The election this year includes the offices of President-Elect, Secretary-General, and several Regional Representatives. The Standing Committee on Elections (President, Past-President and President-Elect as per our constitution) compiled the following list of candidates based on nominations from members of IACCP and direct solicitations.

Please vote online by June 2, 2024. Election results will be reported at the General Meeting in August 2024 and on the IACCP website.

For President-Elect, and Secretary General click here (All members can cast a vote)

For voting for your regional representative select your region from the list (You can only vote in the region you are registered for)

Biographical statements by candidates appear below.

Jump to: President-Elect | Secretary-General | East Asia | Insular Pacific | North America (USA) | Sub-Saharan Africa | Europe 1

Southeast Asia

Note: you must have been a member of IACCP by February 1 of this year (2024) to be eligible to vote as indicated in the IACCP Constitution.

Information About the Officers to be Elected


The current President is Bill Gabrenya; the President-Elect is Zeynep Aycan.

The duties of the President are:

  1. Call and preside over all meetings of the Executive Council and all General and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Association.
  2. Approve the agenda that is prepared by the Secretary‑General for all meetings of the Executive Council and for all General and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Association.
  3. Serve as Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Elections.
  4. Serve on committees as specified elsewhere in the Bylaws.

The duties of the President-Elect are:

  1. Carry out the President's duties in the absence of the President; and in the absence of both the President and the resident‑Elect the Executive Council shall choose one of its other members to carry out the President's duties.
  2. Serve on the Standing Committee on Elections and serve as Chairperson of the Witkin/Okonji Award Sub‑committee.
  3. Serve on committees as specified elsewhere in the Bylaws.

The duties of the Immediate Past‑President are:

  1. Serve as Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Awards.
  2. Serve on committees as specified elsewhere in the Bylaws.

The terms of office of the three Presidents are two years.


The current Secretary-General is Márta Fülöp of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

The duties of the Secretary-General are:

Responsibility for the administration of the Association, including but not limited to: prepare all meeting agenda as set in consultation with the President; send notices of General, Extraordinary General, and Executive Council Meetings; record and keep the minutes of these meetings; conduct postal or electronic (online) ballots as needed; supervise the Treasurer; and supervise the Membership Coordinator.

Reporting to the General Meeting on behalf of the Executive Council giving an account of the main activities in the Association since the previous General Meeting.

Serving as Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Membership and Professional Standards.

Sharing equal legal authority over and access to all banking, financial, and accounting records and assets of the Association with the Treasurer.

Sharing equal access to the membership records of the Association with the Treasurer.

Serving on committees as specified elsewhere in the Bylaws.

The term of office of the Secretary-General is four years and may serve two terms.

Regional Representatives

The duties of Regional Representatives are:

  1. Be responsible for promoting the work of the Association in their respective Regions.
  2. Act as liaison between the Executive Council and the organizers of all IACCP‑sponsored conferences in their Region.
  3. Serve on the Program Committee for all IACCP sponsored conferences in their Region.
  4. Serve on the Harry and Pola Triandis Doctoral Thesis Award selection committee.
  5. Develop and encourage activities in their Regions.
  6. Report to the Association on activities undertaken in their Region to promote IACCP.

Regional Representatives serve for four year terms and may be elected for up to two consecutive terms.


Biographical Statements by Candidates

Jump to: President-Elect | Secretary-General | Deputy Secretary-General | East Asia | Insular Pacific | North America | Sub-Saharan Africa | Europe

President-Elect (2 candidates)

Candidate 1 - Emma E. Buchtel

Biographical Information

Dr. Emma E. Buchtel is Associate Professor and Associate Head (International Engagement) in the Department of Psychology at the Education University of Hong Kong. She received her PhD in cultural psychology (social/personality area; quantitative minor) from the University of British Columbia in 2009, and her B.A. in psychology and philosophy from Yale University in 1999. In between, she spent four years in Changsha and Beijing, teaching English at the high school and university levels and learning Mandarin Chinese. Working in Hong Kong since 2009, she has served as the IACCP's East Asia regional representative since 2020, and as the Chair of the 2022 IACCP online-mode conference. She also serves on the EC for AASP, organized the AASP's 2023 hybrid-mode conference, and serves on the SPSP International Committee. Her research focuses on Chinese cultures, philosophy, and morality, using mixed methods (e.g. psychophysiological measures, lay prototype approach) and open-science practices. She is interested in the pedagogy and research of cultivating enjoyment of diverse perspectives.

Vision Statement

Organizing IACCP's 50th anniversary 2022 conference was inspirational. Across generations, IACCP has attracted psychologists who love to explore cultures, are intellectually generous, and who strive for precision and theoretical insight in discovering what makes us human. This unique ethos of intellectual rigor and open-heartedness is what typifies IACCP's activities, and is what I hope the IACCP will continue to capitalize on in the next decade. Doing research across cultures is challenging, methodologically and theoretically, and IACCP members have developed cutting-edge and insightful ways of approaching these challenges. IACCP is also uniquely positioned to help bring in more cross-global voices to reach goals of global representation in mainstream psychology research. As president, I would enjoy working with a broad EC to bring together members to embody the IACCP ethos, develop new leaders, and work with other psychological organizations to encourage dialogue and growth of cross-cultural research in psychology.


Candidate 2 - David Lackland SAM

Biographical Information

David Lackland SAM is professor of cross-cultural psychology at the University of Bergen (UiB), Norway. Sam obtained a BSc (Honors) degree in psychology from the University of Ghana, before migrating to Norway as a student, and completed his PhD in Psychology at the University of Bergen. Sam divides his position at UiB between the Department of Psychosocial Science (Faculty of Psychology) and the Centre for International Health, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care (Faculty of Medicine). He teaches courses in cross-cultural psychology and cultural psychiatry. His latest course – Global psychology includes a 12-week internship in a low–income country.

Sam’s research interests include psychology of acculturation, and the role of culture in health. He has published extensively on migrants’ psychological adaptation from a cross-cultural comparative perspective. Sam has co-edited several books on acculturation, one of which was re-published in 2022. He is a co-author of the 3rd edition of Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications - a textbook published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). He is presently contracted by CUP as the lead author of the 4th edition of the textbook. His 2016 edited book with John W. Berry, the 2nd edition of the Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology, received the 2017 outstanding book award from the International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR). He co-edited with John W. Berry the 4-volume anthology on Cross-cultural psychology, published in 2018 by Routledge. Sam is a long-standing and active member of the IACCP and has served as the Deputy Secretary General of the IACCP and for several years as the European Representative of IACCP. He is also a fellow of the IAIR, and a past president of IAIR.

Vision Statement

I hereby present this as my declaration of candidacy for the office of President of IACCP. My candidacy is rooted in my gratitude to the IACCP which I have been fortunate to enjoy for 30 years. I am enthusiastic about the goals of the IACCP, and very eager and committed to serve the Association.

I became a member of the IACCP in 1992 soon after attending my first conference in 1991 as a PhD student. At this regional conference, I was not only made to feel welcome, but also a valued member of the Association amidst giants such as Triandis, Berry, Kagicibasi, Poortinga, and Lonner who, in several ways, boosted my interest in the field. The IACCP provided me fertile ground to nurse and develop my intellectual curiosity, which culminated in me taking on some important roles: first as the European Regional Representative; second as the IACCP representative for the then Advanced Research Training Seminars (ARTS) - a collaboration between the IACCP, the International Association of Applied Psychology and the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) to train young scholars. The ending of ARTS resulted in the establishment of IACCP PhD summer schools, where I taught some courses. I also served four years as the Deputy Secretary General of the IACCP.

My involvement with the Association as a student, a regional representative and an executive member has exposed me to the various facets of the Association, which I believe places me in a unique position to continue developing the goals of the Association to higher levels. Having previously served as president of the International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR), a parallel association, I believe I have the experience to lead an association in challenging times and through uncharted terrains.

I am in awe of the wide range of good work the IACCP does. I have always believed that the primary aim of an association should be to support members in their career development, build bridges with other associations, nurture young and inquisitive minds, tap from the wisdom of founding members and provide a forum to discuss both basic and applied science in culture and psychology.

Diversity matters a lot to me, and I am interested in increasing and supporting the diversity and the international base of the IACCP, not only in terms of ethnicity, but also in terms of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds, and to strive to make the Association increasingly supportive and welcoming.

My priorities as President-elect would be to support both the president and the past president, and all the other elected members in carrying out their duties while making all members of the Association feel welcome and valued.

I believe I have substantial relevant experience for the position and will conscientiously serve with humility and grace to elevate the IACCP to greater heights.

Secretary-General (1 candidate)

Candidate 1 - Wolfgang Friedlmeier

Biographical Information

I currently serve as the Chair of the Communication and Publication Committee since 2018 and have been actively engaged in ongoing debates within IACCP in my capacity as an officer. Recently, I was asked to be nominated for the position of Secretary General, and I have accepted the nomination. Here is my perspective on assuming this new role:

Much like my current responsibilities as Chair of the Communication and Publication Committee, I am committed to handling administrative duties such as preparing for the general assembly and coordinating EC meetings. Additionally, I am dedicated to actively participating in internal discussions and being readily available to address member inquiries.

I am particularly eager to collaborate with the president to set strategic directions for the association, ensuring that our activities remain aligned with our mission and overarching goals.

Furthermore, I recognize the importance of selecting suitable conference locations, and I am prepared to work closely with conference organizers to ensure seamless preparation, planning, and execution of our events. By fostering effective communication and coordination, I am confident that together, we can achieve success and further elevate the impact of our association.

Vision Statement

I am a professor of Psychology in the Psychology Department of Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, MI. I received my PhD in Psychology at the University of Konstanz, Germany. My research focuses on development of emotion and emotion regulation in a cultural perspective with an emphasis on socialization processes in early childhood. I was a Visiting Professor at Nagoya City University, Japan (2003-2004). I obtained several grants for research stays in Brazil, India, Japan, Romania, and Turkey. From 2010 to 2019, I was the Editor of Online Readings in Psychology and Culture (http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/orpc/). Since October 2018, I am the chair of the Communication and Publication Committee of IACCP. I also served as co-editor of the IACCP proceedings since the conference in Nagoya, Japan, in 2016: https://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/iaccp_proceedings/. Some relevant publications are: Friedlmeier et al. (2019). Cultural variations of maternal emotion regulation of toddler’s emotions in a delay of gratification context. Culture and Brain, 7, 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40167-018-0076-0. Kathuria et al. (2023). Emotion socialization in the Indian cultural context. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1178, and Friedlmeier et al. (2014). Cultural perspective on emotional development in early childhood. In L. Jensen (Ed.), Oxford handbook of culture and development (pp. 127-148). Oxford University Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199948550.013.9

Address: GVSU, Department of Psychology, 1317 Au Sable Hall, Allendale, MI 49401. Website: http://www.gvsu.edu/psychology/wolfgang-friedlmeier-5.htm



Regional Representatives

East Asia (2 candidates)

Candidate 1 -Joonha Park

Biographical Information

Joonha Park is a social and cultural psychologist who currently serves as a Senior Lecturer at the Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University. With a multicultural background—born in Australia, raised in Korea, and currently residing in Japan—she brings a unique perspective to the understanding of psychological dynamics between East and West. She completed her BA at Korea University and earned her BA (Honours) and PhD from the University of Melbourne. Presently, she holds the role of Associate Editor at Personality and Individual Differences, Scientific Reports, Social Psychological Bulletin, and the Korean Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Additionally, she is a member of the International Committee at the Japanese Psychological Association. Her research has been evolving around various topics including dehumanization, multiculturalism in Japanese society, environmental psychology, and well-being in East Asia. She enjoys collaborating with scholars from diverse cultural regions worldwide, aiming to explore both universal and culture-specific aspects of human psychology.

Candidate 2 - Vivian Lun

Biographical Sketch

Vivian Lun obtained her PhD in Psychology from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. She is currently an associate professor at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. The affiliations with her teachers, fellow students, and research collaborators have added fuel to her interest in cross-cultural psychology research. She appreciates the opportunities to work with others for what she considers to be a good cause.  At present, she serves as an associate editor for the Asian Journal of Social Psychology, and a member of the Education and Training Committee of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, where she is developing her skills in serving the research communities.


Insular Pacific (2 candidates)

Candidate 1 -Takeshi Hamamura

Biographical Sketch

Takeshi Hamamura is an Associate Professor at Curtin University in Australia. He received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of British Columbia and specializes in cultural psychology, especially socio-ecological and historical analyses of norms and values in East Asia. Born and raised in Japan, Hamamura's journey as a migrant across diverse landscapes in the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, and Australia has deeply influenced his academic perspectives and commitment to recentering psychology. At Curtin, he is working to decolonise psychology's teaching practices. Hamamura is Chair of the Education and Training Committee at the Asian Association of Social Psychology, and a current Associate Editor for the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.

My area of specialization is cross-cultural psychology and my interests include social values, beliefs, ethnic stereotypes, organization.

Candidate 2 - Andre A. Pekerti

Biographical Information

Dr. Andre A Pekerti is an Associate Professor in the International Business Discipline at The University of Queensland.  As an n-Cultural, his research focuses on (societal) culture and how it affects people’s behaviours. His research has explored cultural intelligence, servant leadership and ethical behaviour in society. Andre’s recent work and book look at multiculturalism within individuals and explore how we can maintain our cultural values and still behave appropriately in different contexts.  He is on the editorial board of Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management, Human Resource Management Review, International J. of Intercultural Relations, J. of International Business Studies, J. of World Business, and Honorary Editor of Andalas Management Review. He has consulted for Diner’s Club, Singapore; the Department of Transport Victoria, Australia; and the Ministry of Trade, Indonesia.  Most recently he collaborated with BiasSync, a science-based solution designed to help organisations assess, train, and avoid unconscious bias.

North America (USA) (2 candidates)

Candidate 1 -Jessica McKenzie

Biographical Sketch

Jessica McKenzie is Professor of Child and Family Science at California State University, Fresno, where she directs the Human Development and Culture Research Lab and teaches courses on culture and diversity, ethnographic research methods, and adolescent development. Her mixed methods research investigates how culture structures the life course, and how young people and their families psychologically negotiate cultural change. Jessica maintains lines of research in northern Thailand, where she studies the psychological implications of globalization, and in the U.S., where she examines the psychological implications of immigration. To learn more about Jessica’s research and teaching, you may visit www.jessica-mckenzie.com.

Vision Statement

Jessica considers IACCP her professional home, regularly publishes in and reviews for the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, and happily stepped in as IACCP Regional Representative for the U.S. in 2022 when a dear colleague had to step down mid-way through their term. If elected for a four-year term, Jessica will prioritize promoting the work of the Association, and representing cultural and cross-cultural researchers based, in the United States. Beyond this, Jessica looks forward to: (a) capitalizing on the strengths of our interdisciplinary Association to facilitate conversations about engaging qualitative and quantitative epistemologies to address issues of cross-cultural significance—work that she has already begun in part via “Diverse Methods for Assessing Cultural Identity,” a coauthored special issue that will soon hit the pages of JCCP. Jessica also looks forward to: (b) working closely alongside other Regional Representatives and the Executive Committee to develop ways for researchers across diverse geographic regions to discover shared research interests and support collaborative project-building. In support of this aim, Jessica spearheaded and worked with other Regional Reps to envision a forum at the upcoming conference in Bali entitled “Enhancing Cultural Collaborations: A Guided Session for Forging New Connections Within and Across IACCP Regions”—hope to see many of you there! Finally, Jessica looks forward to: (c) working to ensure that, within and beyond her region, IACCP is conceptualized as a space for scholars who study and think about culture in ways that are perhaps somewhat different from what we typically see represented at IACCP conferences and in JCCP’s pages feel warmly invited into—and included once in—our Association.

Candidate 2 - Kelley Haynes-Mendez

Biographical Information

Dr. Kelley Haynes-Mendez has more than 20 years of academic and clinical experience specializing in multicultural psychology, cultural humility, and global education. Dr. Haynes-Mendez received a PsyD degree in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles, USA, and is a licensed clinical psychologist. She has worked at the American Psychological Association and contributed to faculty development programs in collaboration with the United Nations established University for Peace, Centre for Executive Education in Costa Rica.

Vision Statement

Dr. Haynes-Mendez served as Vice President for Diversity and International Relations at the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (USA) where she received a presidential citation for her “forward and innovative” work.  Dr. Haynes-Mendez is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, an honor bestowed upon members who have shown evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology. 

Sub-Saharan Africa (2 candidates)

Candidate 1 - Collins Badu Agyemang

Biographical Information

Collins Badu AGYEMANG (PhD) is a Licensed Industrial & Organizational Psychologist, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psychology, University of Ghana, Ghana. He is also the Coordinator for the Pan-African Doctoral Academy. He is a member of the accreditation committee of the Ghana Psychology Council of Ghana. He is an active member and national representative on Pan African Psychology Union. He is currently the National President and a distinguished Executive Board Member of the Ghana Psychological Association. Collins has served cumulatively for 10 years on different roles on the leadership of Ghana Psychological Association. He has led and supported several national projects including the push to decriminalize attempted suicide in Ghana. He is also the lead Psychologist for Ghana Education Service sponsored National Science and Maths Quiz. He has passionate interest in researching and promoting issues of cross-cultural relevance. He has supported in recruiting scholars from Ghana and attended IACCP major conferences. He has been serving as an ambassador and public educator on mental health issues for the past fifteen years in Sub-Saharan Africa. Collins is currently supporting the curriculum development of psychology programmes as well as careers and Counseling departments in three African countries. He teaches courses in psychology with laden contents of cross-cultural psychology. Collins has strong organizational skills and possesses a huge social and political capital which he desire to leverage on to drive the growth of IACCP in Africa. It is my desire to host a regional conference in West Africa as a bait to promote awareness, encourage scholarship and research drive in the area of cross-cultural psychology.

Candidate 2 - Symen Brouwers

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Symen Brouwers studied Cross-Cultural Psychology at Tilburg University in The Netherlands and received his PhD in 2008 under the supervision of Professor Fons van de Vijver. After Postdoctoral positions at Ghent University in Belgium and the University of Zurich in Switzerland, he moved to South Africa in 2014, where he has been located since. From 2014 to 2019 he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at North-West University in Potchefstroom. He taught Intercultural Communication at the University of Applied Management Sciences in Mannheim, Germany, and worked as a researcher in the Eastern & Southern Africa context, including for UNICEF on disability inclusion and vaccine demand. For his research work he visited multiple regions in Namibia, Kenya, and Eswatini, and consulted on projects in many other countries across the region. His most recent publications include works on  contextualization and assessment in Human Resource Management Review, contextualization and development aid as the lead article for a special section in the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, and a chapter for Busara on ecological validity (forthcoming). Symen's current teaching and research interests focus on culture care.

Europe 1 (2 candidates)

Candidate 1 -Lusine Grigoryan

Biographical Information

Lusine Grigoryan completed her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia. She moved to Bremen, Germany, in 2015, where she completed her PhD degree in 2019 with distinction. She worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, between 2019 and 2022. In 2023, she joined the Department of Psychology at the University of York, UK, as an assistant professor. Lusine studies prejudice in everyday interactions, the dimensionality and complexity of social identity, and values and morality. She was born in Armenia and has the experience of living both in the Global South and the Global North, and both in Eastern and Western Europe. She was awarded the European Association of Social Psychology's Eary Career Award in 2023 and received the Rising Star recognition from the Association for Psychological Science in 2024.

Candidate 2 -Gulnaz Anjum

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Gulnaz Anjum, an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, is a distinguished cultural and community psychologist whose research spans psychosocial support for marginalized communities, climate psychology, extremism, and gender equality. Her work is deeply informed by her multicultural background, having lived in Pakistan, Canada, and Norway, enabling her to build vital linkages between psychological science and interdisciplinary research across the Global North and South. Her cross-disciplinary research makes her global scientific contributions impactful and special, consistently contributing to high-impact Western journals and those in the Global South.

Dr. Anjum's teaching and research focuses on decolonizing psychology by exploring the needs of marginalized populations in the global South and Global North, including diaspora communities, particularly from Muslim countries. She works with communities impacted by climate change, extremism, and social justice and integration. Her recent research on the psychological impacts of climate change was showcased at COP 26, and she has presented her work at several institutions worldwide. Her innovative work with climate migrants and health innovation for marginalized communities has been widely recognized and covered by newspapers and magazines.

Dr. Anjum has received several prestigious fellowships, including those from the Max Planck Institute, German Research Foundation, and Fulbright, and the National Talent Award from the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. She has presented at 26 international conferences and was a keynote speaker at the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) in Limerick 2023 on Global Minds and Hearts: Pathways Towards a Sustainable Future. Dr. Anjum has secured numerous research grants, with four ongoing major projects demonstrating her capacity to attract substantial funding for her research initiatives.

As a nominee for the Europe Regional Representative of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Dr. Anjum embodies the principles of diversity and inclusion. She has collaboratively built several North-South networks and supported younger scholars of color. One key network is the Climate Change and Urban Violence Network (CCUVN), and the Karachi Urban Lab, fostering collaborative research across the Global North and South. At UiO, she co-created the Qualitative and Multimethod Lab (Quali-Lab) with researchers at the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo. Dr. Anjum takes pride in mentoring junior scholars, particularly females from the Global South, for interdisciplinary and intersectional research. Recognizing Dr. Anjum would inspire many young scholars from diverse backgrounds and reinforce the importance of inclusive and globally relevant psychological research.

Southeast Asia (2 candidates)

Candidate 1 - Andik Matulessy

Biographical Information

Dr. Andik Matulessy (https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andik_Matulessy)  is a social psychologist with 30 years of practice experience and an associate professor at the University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia. He currently serves as President of the Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI) for the period 2022 to 2026.  Dr. Andik Matulessy received his doctorate in psychology from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia  and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia. He is an associate professor at the University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia. He also chairs the professional psychology master’s program through 2025. He was the Southeast Asia Regional Representative to the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology in 2018-2024, Executive Committee Asia Pacific Psychological Alliance / APPA (2019-2023), and Treasurer of ASEAN Regional Union Psychological Society / ARUPS (2023-2025).   He also has experience and roles in government as : Indonesian COVID-19 Behavior Change Task Force Expert Team (2020-2022), Expert Staff of the Indonesian National Counterterrorism Agency (2024), Head of the Health Examination Team (Psychology) for Candidates for Governor, Deputy Governor, Regent, Deputy Regent, Mayor and Deputy Mayor (2014-2020), Head of the Health Examination Team (Psychology) for the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates (2024). He has research experience and written books related to social psychology and political psychology (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0764-248X).

Candidate 2 -Ayu Okvitawanli

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Ayu Okvitawanli is a Chinese Indonesian born in Yogyakarta on the 6th of October 1990. She grew up in Jakarta with her family and two sisters and at the age of 15 she received a scholarship to continue her high school in Michigan, United States. Since then she has continued her education abroad, completing Bachelor of Cognitive Science at The University of Hong Kong and at Auckland University, New Zealand, Master of Science in Brain and Cognition at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, a PhD in Psychology at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena with a scholarship from the International Max Planck Research School for Adapting Behaviour in a Fundamentally Uncertain World. After her PhD she became a member of the IACCP (2016) and has since been attending both the international and regional congresses of IACCP.


She completed a postdoctoral at the University of Koblenz in Koblenz, Germany and from 2019 has returned to her home country in Indonesia, after living approximately 15 years abroad. She was a lecturer at Universitas Ngurah Rai in Denpasar Bali from 2019 - 2022 and currently holds a tenure position at Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, East Java, as an assistant professor. She has publications in Perspective of Psychological Science, Journal of Happiness Studies, Journal of Positive Psychology, and Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, among others. In 2019 she submitted a proposal to Marta Fulop, Secretary General of IACCP to host the International Congress of IACCP in Bali Indonesia, which will come to fruition this August 2024.