Diversity and leadership

Author(s) Ean Lau Chin & Joseph E. Trimble

2014, Sage


Price $58 | Pages 344 | ISBN 9781452257891

Although leadership theories have evolved to reflect changing social contexts, they remain silent on issues of equity, diversity, and social justice. Diversity and Leadership offers a new paradigm for examining leadership by bringing together two domains‚-research on leadership and research on diversity‚-to challenge existing notions of leadership and move toward a diverse and global view of society and its institutions. This compelling book delivers an approach to leadership that is inclusive, promotes access for diverse leaders, and addresses barriers that narrowly confine our perceptions and expectations of leaders. Redefining leadership as global and diverse, the authors impart new understanding of who our leaders are, the process of communication, exchange between leaders and their members, criteria for selecting, training, and evaluating leaders in the 21st century, and the organizational and societal contexts in which leadership is exercised.


Chapter 1: Leadership for the 21st Century
Chapter 2: Diversity and Leadership
Chapter 3: Paradigms for Diversity Leadership
Chapter 4: Leader Identity
Chapter 5: Leadership Style
Chapter 6: Organizational Contexts
Chapter 7: Societal Contexts of Leadership
Chapter 8: Applications‚-Training Culturally Competent and Diverse Leaders
Chapter 9: Applications: Training Culturally Competent Organizations
Chapter 10: Developing a Paradigm of Diversity Leadership