Member Publications
Cultural psychology
Author(s) Steven J. Heine
2007, W. W. Norton
Price US$60 (pb) | Pages 545 | ISBN 393925730
Chapter 1: Culture and Human Nature
Chapter 2; Cultural Evolution
Chapter 3: Methods for Studying Culture and Psychology
Chapter 4: Development and Socialization
Chapter 5: Self and Personality
Chapter 6: Motivation
Chapter 7: Morality, Religion, and Justice
Chapter 8: Emotions
Chapter 9: Cognition and Perception
Chapter 10: Mental and Physical Health
Chapter 11: Interpersonal Attraction, Close Relationships, and Groups
Chapter 12: Living in Multicultural Worlds
Steven J. Heine, a leading figure in cultural psychology, offers the first contemporary, broad-based global treatment of this exciting field. Writing in a clear and engaging voice, Professor Heine builds his text around many of psychology’s most enduring questions about our identities, motivations, emotions, and relationships. The text incorporates examples from around the world and from everyday life to make the material relevant to a wide range of students. Research methods are emphasized throughout in order to demonstrate how cultural psychologists study the close-knit relationship between culture and the ways we think and behave. Three unique chapters bring an interdisciplinary dimension to the text, examining cultural evolution, mental health, and morality from the perspective of cultural psychology.