Counseling across cultures (6th Ed.)

Author(s) Paul B. Pedersen, Juris G. Draguns, Walter J. Lonner, & Joseph E. Trimble (Eds.)

2008, Sage Publications

Price US $ 64.95 | Pages 462 | ISBN 978-1-4129-2739-0


The 6th edition contains various perspectives on counseling individuals from numerous diverse cultural contexts. In 24 chapters the contributors discuss the cultural context of accurate assessment and appropriate interventions in counseling, highlighting work with groups including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Arabs and Muslims, refugees, victims of disasters, individuals experiencing the consequences of drug and alcohol abuse, problems and issues involving self and culture, counseling involving gender issues, gerontological counseling, health issues, spirituality counseling, family counseling involving various ethnic groups, and international students.  Ethics, competence, considerations of universality and cultural relativism, and research perspectives are also covered. In addressing these wide-ranging issues, this volume articulates the positive contributions that can be realized when multicultural awareness is incorporated into both the training of counselors and the practice of counseling and therapy with those from other ethnic and cultural groups, regardless of where it takes place in the world.